Place born
Organisation / Person

Mitchell, Katherine Jane Margaret

1923 - 2006

Lovelock, James Ephraim

1919 - 2022

1931-2003, computer artist, United States, American

Mason, Maughan Sterling

1931 - 2003

c.1920-1928, radio and aerial manufacturer, Massachusetts, US

Amplifex Radio Corporation

1920 - 1928

1913-1971, physician; professor of anatomy, British

Harris, Geoffrey Wingfield

1913 - 1971

1913-1929, manufacturer of cine cameras, Chicago, United States

The DeVry Corporation

1913 - 1929

1908-1994, artist; poster artist, British

Chapman, George

1908 - 1994

1913-2012, physicist; radio astronomer, British; English

Lovell, Sir Bernard

1913 - 2012

Bankart, Zoe Theodora

1909 - 1988

Wainwright, Trevor Douglas

1922 - 2011

Irving, Ronald Nicholas

1915 - 2005

Berry, Geoffrey C

1914 - 1983

Lawrence, John Stewart (M.B., Ch.B., M.D., M.R.C.P., F.R.C.P.)

1908 - 1996

Harvey, Bryan H (CBE)

1915 - 2004

Bonavia, Michael

1909 - 1999

Haigh, Donald

1924 - 2003

Danvers, Ken

1911 - 1980

Walter, William Grey

1910 - 1977

Crow, Henry James

1920 - 1987

The Biochemical Dining Club

1911 - 1913

Perry, Geoffrey E

1927 - 2000

Bradbury, Ronald Roy

1929 - 1994

Palmer, Lilli

1914 - 1986

Van Den Ende, Marinus

1912 - 1957

Harrison, Jimmy

1918 - 2007

Warrington, Walter

1934 - 1999

Abbott, Geoffrey

1923 - 2016

Sanders, Denis

1917 - 1974

Chaloner, William Henry

1914 - 1987

Tappin, Vivienne Evelyn

1911 - 1988

Ainscow, George Frederick

1913 - 2013

Williamson, Arthur Barry

1922 - 1997

Chaldecott, John Anthony

1916 - 1998

Mason, Elizabeth

1909 - 2008

Verdon-Roe, Geoffrey

1918 - 1997

Shipton, Janet Helen

1923 - 2019

Johnson, James Edgar [Johnnie]

1915 - 2001

Willis, Stanley

1912 - 2002

Gagarin, Yuri Alexeyevich

1934 - 1968

Cottrell, Alan Howard

1919 - 2012

Handford, Peter Thomas

1919 - 2007

Turing, Alan (Mathison)

1912 - 1954

Beevers, Cecil Arnold (DSc., FInstP; FRSE)

1908 - 2001

Calley, Henry

1914 - 1997

Eatock, Daniel

1908 - 1984

Brunnschweiler, David

1927 - 2014

Schofield, Margaret Gilmour

1916 - 2005

Hey, James Stanley

1909 - 2000

Chew, Victor Kenneth

1915 - 2008

Wilson, Helen Mary

1914 - 1998